Creative Direction and Art direction | Client: Kroger & Walgreens

get the fresh
out of here

To announce Kroger’s launch of a new grocery service inside Walgreens, we developed a campaign that captures the disbelief you feel after learning you can get fresh groceries at a drug store. Because you’d probably assume that Walgreens has like, Halloween candy and Hot Pockets. But realizing they have fresh food from a legit store like Kroger? That’s really unexpected. Enough to have you screaming, “Get the fresh outta here!” in the adult incontinence aisle.


Carnitas :15

Avocados :15


We created a new brand identity for the co-branded endeavor. It incorporated the humanity and personal connection of the existing Walgreens brand, while leveraging the whimsical and playful approach Kroger uses in their food styling and brand identity. Above all, it highlighted the fresh Kroger food with a bold look and feel, staying true to both existing brands.


Copy Writer: Sara Cummings
GCDs: Ross Saunders & Paulo Junger
Producer: Bree Hopenwasser
Director: Maggie Carey / Caviar
Editor/VFX: Merritt Duff / Union Editorial
Product Photographer: Sam Kaplan