Art direction | Client: Progressive

big jim

As someone who owns more than the average number of books on 1950’s animation, getting to animated one of our classic “squad members,” Jamie, in the Americanan folklore style was a treat. “Big Jim” shows the epic power of being protected with Progressive by heroically swooping in when homeowners face everything from fire to flooding.

We rounded out the campaign with a pair of OLV :15s.

Big Jim :30

Fence :15

Debris from the “great storm” is no match for Big Jim. He’s got you covered!

Tornado :15

He’s Great Big Jim and he’s got you covered. and if that means taking on a tornado, he’ll go head to head!


Executive Creative Director: Sean McBride
Creative Directors: Josh Kahn & Nate Donabed
Sr. Art Director: Abby Gross
Sr. Copywriter: Patrick Franklin
Live-Action Director: Brendan Gibbons
Animation: JJ Sedelmaier